Founded in 1996, GodSong Ministries is a non-profit Christian ministry based in East Tennessee.
It started as a weekly Bible study for high school, college students and young adults in the home of Bob & Beth Burkey. After 9 years of in-home ministry, God laid it upon their hearts to expand the ministry through music and outreach, and later the doors began to open for the development of a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.
With this expansion, opportunities to minister began to increase, and just like in the book of Acts, the Lord began to add to the ministry daily. Many people have come to know Christ or have developed a stronger relationship through the discipleship of this ministry and the working of the Holy Spirit.
Currently, GodSong Ministries has an active Board of Directors, a prayer walking ministry, a weekly Bible study, and hosts conferences and concerts.
Members of the GodSong Team go out into the community and domestic mission field to share the love of God through speaking, singing and leading worship at churches, conferences, seminars and special events.
The purpose of GodSong Ministries is to draw others into a personal relationship with God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through Bible Study, Discipleship, Prayer, Music, and Outreach.
The Vision of this ministry is to connect others with the life-changing power of Jesus Christ, through which they will be equipped to serve and share the hope of His Calling.
“The Lord is my strength and song; and He has become my salvation”- Exodus 15:2